Dialogue Viols – Violas da Gamba Duo 

Peter Wendland & Jacqui Robertson-Wade

Dialogue Viols was formed to bring the beautiful yet rarely performed music of the French Baroque for two violas da gamba to audiences. This includes the rich source of music for the smallest members of the viola da gamba family, the six pardessus de viole and five string quinton, as well as the seven string bass viola da gamba, also known as bass viol.

If it wasn’t for lockdown, Peter Wendland and Jacqui Robertson-Wade, who are established performers and teachers, may not have started playing viols together! However, musicians everywhere learnt how to use technology to enable them to continue working and playing music together.  Peter and Jacqui were living in different countries when they started to play viols online and were able to explore new repertoire and develop specialist concert programmes. They share a love of French Baroque music and enjoy playing different sizes of viol.  Now that lockdown is over, they rehearse in person as well as online.  

They are happy to announce First Hand Records will be distributing their Premier recording of a recently discovered manuscript containing six sonatas by Joseph Bodin de Boismortier for two pardessus de viole. 

Peter Wendland and Jacqui Robertson-Wade’s world premiere recording of Boismortier’s Op. 63 will be out in the New Year from First Hand Records. Here’s a taster of from the disc.


Supported by Angel Early Music

Hot news!

Dialogue Viols have been awarded a grant, by the fabulous Continuo Foundation, towards a recording of their new programme called ‘Before the Guillotine.’  Joined by Ibrahim Aziz and Lynda Sayce, Peter and Jacqui are now enjoying playing repertoire for the quinton –  (hybrid viol/violin), as well as bass viols.  The programme, which features French and Italian music for two quintons and continuo by Dandrieu, Hotteterre, Corelli, Marais and Leclair, and for a trio of bass viols, by Marais and Forqueray. Our recording, planned for next April, will be made on original instruments.









London International Festival of Early Music

Blackheath Halls

23 Lee Road, London SE3 9RQ

Saturday 16th November 1.30pm

“Their programme of music played on original viols, is inspired by William Young who worked at the court of Ferdinand Charles, Archduke of Austria, in Innsbruck. Peter and Jacqui will play some Suites they have compiled of Young’s pieces, combining them with duets by Matthew Locke. At the end, there will be a mystery composer!

In the last year Peter and Jacqui have both acquired original seven string bass viols. Peter has an original Tielke c1700 and Jacqui’s viol is by Georg Seelos, c1680 from Innsbruck and it is for this reason they are playing William Young.”

Other Programmes

Touch the heart; Music to charm the senses from the violas da gamba duo, Dialogue

Passion and Power: French music from a time of charm and poise played on different sized viols.



Email Jacqui

Telephone: 07740 298337

Email Peter

Telephone: 07377 378526